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Proven Tactics for BIPOC Professionals to Skyrocket Career Success

Imagine this.

You’ve been longing to work at your favorite non-profit company for years.

It’s literally a dream…

People-first humans wanting to bring positive change to societal issues.

An inclusive environment where you’re seen, heard, and respected.

A forward-thinking space where you’re valued.

You finally land an interview, spend days perfecting your resume, study the job description, and even practice your answers in front of the mirror. 

On the day of the interview, you arrive early – in person or on Zoom – dress in your best professional attire, and feel ready to impress.

But as soon as the interview begins, your nerves get the best of you… 

You stumble over your words, give vague answers, and can’t clearly articulate how your skills match the role. 

To top it off, you forget to ask any questions at the end, leaving the interviewer with the impression that you weren’t fully engaged. 

Despite being highly qualified, you didn’t get the job.

This story is all too common.

Many talented, BIPOC professionals – like yourself –  miss out on opportunities, not because you lack the skills or experience, but because you may struggle to present yourself effectively during and after an interview. 

The good news? 

With the right strategies, you can avoid this setback and make sure that your next interview is a success.

Let’s make sure you stand out and secure the job you want.

Because you have something good to share with the world…

And let’s be real, the world needs more of that.

Sip on that cafecito as we uncover the unique strengths in your personal story, helping you to stand out and identify the right career path for you.

Ok, so first thing’s first.

Your prep needs to be on point.

So how do you get on your best “A” game?

I like to call it, “The 5 R’s Interview Prep”

Here’s what that looks like:

  • Remember – You earned this interview! Your experience and energy got you through the door. Now it’s your opportunity to see if the team’s vibes match yours.
  • Review – Take a moment to feel out your needs alongside the company’s. Do they align? This is your chance to see if this is a place where you can thrive.
  • Research – The internet is your best friend here. Dive into the company’s background, team, recent reports, and any related events. Does what you discover resonate with your values?
  • Recreate – Practice might not make perfect, but it definitely gives you an edge! Get into character — dress up, record yourself answering practice questions, and have a few trusted people give you feedback.
  • Reflect – After the interview, take time to gather your thoughts. What went well? What could have gone better? How did you feel, and why? Write it all down; you might notice a pattern as you continue your journey.

So, what vibe are you feeling now?

Whatever you’re feeling — whether it’s nerves or excitement — you’re not alone. 

Most folks experience the same mix of emotions when facing the possibility of landing a job. 

You just have to remember, you’ve got this!

But, however you’re feeling, I’m here to tell you that your feelings are completely valid.

More than likely, you’re one of the first people in your familia to step into the corporate world.

You didn’t have access to many resources and tools to help you land that dream job, but again…

It’s. Ok.

This is why information on the internet exists – ok, well, not all info out there is good, but you’re in the clear here – like getting information from me, a  well-intentioned career consultant.

So where does the knowledge take you now?

You guessed it, the actual interview.

Basically, the 5 R’s prepped you for the interview, but the A.C.T. Method helps you shine in that interview.

A.C.T. stands for:

  • Authenticity and Confidence
  • Communicate Openly (Open Body Language & Unique Experiences)
  • Thoughtful Questions

Also, ACT, as in it’s time to make moves!

By the time you’ve prepped – with strategy – you’ll have:

  • Confidence and Authenticity — You know your personal story like you know every line of your favorite novela. Now is the time to be yourself and let that personality shine through.
  • Open Body Language — Naturally, that inner confianza shows on the outside too. Maintaining eye contact, giving a genuine smile, and having an open posture shows the interviewer you’re approachable and happy to be there. 
  • Thoughtful Questions — You did that research.This is the moment to ask about the company’s DEI initiatives, team dynamics, and career growth opportunities. Team no fear!
  • Unique Experiences — Share specific examples from your personal and professional life… brownie points when those examples show your unique perspective and problem-solving skills.

And, there’s more…

It’s 2024.

Many of us work from home and our office is our kitchen table or a designated room in the house to set up the workspace.

Which means, online interviews are a big deal.

In the best way!

So, how can you use the A.C.T. Method to help you nail the interview on Zoom?

Let’s get to it.

It can be easy to feel a little less “on point” when you’re in the comfort of your own home.

I mean, your bed is only a few feet away and that coffee maker is maybe in eyesight.

But, you gotta stay focused.

Here’s how you can stay on track even when you’re home.

Master the Technical Setup

  • Test Your Equipment: Techy or not, making sure that camera, microphone, and internet connection are working is key. The last thing you want is to be ready and run into technical issues. Test it out.
  • Choose a Professional Background: Find a clean, uncluttered space with good lighting. If possible, use a neutral background to keep the focus on you. This doesn’t have to be fancy. Sit next to a window and use the blank wall in your home.
  • Use a Laptop or Desktop: As much as we’re tied to our phones, avoid using it for an interview. It can be less stable and more prone to connectivity issues. A laptop or desktop provides a more professional setup.

 Dress for Success

  • Wear Professional Attire: Dress as you would for an in-person interview. Even though it’s online, wearing professional attire shows that you take the interview seriously. Ya heard me, pajama pants are so 2020. 
  • Avoid Distracting Patterns: Stick to solid colors and simple patterns. Avoid anything too bright or busy, which can be distracting on camera. Remember, we want them focusing on what you have to say.

Perfect Your Communication

  • Maintain Eye Contact: Look directly into the camera when speaking. It can be easy to look at the screen, but when you do that, your eyes look down. Instead, simulate eye contact so you can build a connection with the interviewer.
  • Speak Clearly and Confidently: Make sure your voice is steady and your speech is clear. Enunciate your words, and avoid speaking too quickly. When in doubt, pause to gather your thoughts. You don’t need to respond right when they finish asking the question. Breathe.

Engage with the Interviewer

  • Use Body Language: Even in a virtual setting, body language matters. Sit up straight, smile, and use natural hand gestures to express yourself. Hey, if standing up helps, get a stand up desk!
  • Show Enthusiasm: Let your pasión for the role and company shine through. Express genuine interest in the position and the company’s mission. In other words, you’ve done your research, now say what stood out to you from that research in your own words.
  • Prepare Thoughtful Questions: Research the company and role in depth. Prepare open-ended questions that show you’re invested in the oportunidad and eager to contribute. There’s nothing like rich, thoughtful discussions to show more of your expertise. 

Demonstrate Your Adaptability

  • Highlight Remote Work Skills: If the role involves remote work, emphasize your experience and comfort with remote tools and virtual collaboration. Teams? Zoom? Google Meet? No problem. 
  • Discuss How You Handle Challenges: Share examples of how you’ve successfully navigated challenges in a remote or virtual environment. This shows you can thrive in a digital workspace. Hint, staying calm, being flexible, and showing you’re a life-long learner will take you far!

I hope you’ve been taking notes – mentally or physically – because these gems are just the surface of it all. 

Like you, I’m a human first.

I love helping people get jobs where they feel fulfilled in what they want to do in their community. 

And in order to get there, understanding the interview landscape is the first step.

So, what’s next?

Not doing this alone…

I founded Soluna Career Consulting to help BIPOC professionals, like you, navigate the complexities of an uneven playing field.

While systemic change is needed, I believe that as a community, we can uplift and support one another.

Here’s how I provide that support:

  • Opening Up About Salary – Money isn’t something that’s “hush, hush” anymore. Let’s break that stigma today and discuss it openly.
  • Transparency in the Interview Process – We dive deep into the details, so you’re fully prepared.
  • Navigating Networking Events Together – We’ll find the opportunities that align with your goals, together.

We’ve often faced these challenges alone, but it’s time to tackle them as a comunidad.

And the best part?

You know that push and pull of living between two cultures?

The constant need to decide which version of yourself to show in different spaces?

That’s a thing of the past.

With Soluna, you can step into any space as your full, authentic self.

Which brings me to this…

A career transition is exciting! 

It means you’re growing, learning, and ready to see what else you can bring to the table.

Here’s what that looks like:

  • Personalized Career Coaching — Everyone needs a strategy. I’ll help you clarify your goals in real-time and develop a plan for success.
  • Tailored Application Assistance — No more wondering if your resume or cover letter is good enough. Together, we’ll make them pop and refine your interview skills to make sure you stand out to employers.
  • Targeted Services for Government Agencies — If you’re in an agency, I’ve got you covered. My career coaching and mock interview services are designed to help you better serve diverse communities.
  • Tailored Services for Organizations / Non-Profits — I also partner with organizations and nonprofits to offer workshops and one-on-one support, customized to your needs. Just tell me where you’re at, and I’ll create a plan.

Just like this article gave you a glimpse into the hiring process, the most important part about Soluna is that it’s led with a culture-first perspective.

While I provide you with advice and strategies for navigating the hiring process, more importantly, I help you embrace your true self — the person who doesn’t need to hide or conform at work.

You deserve a job that:

  • Serves a Purpose
  • Makes You Feel Respected
  • Has a Leader Who Looks Out for You

And here’s the thing…

I’m here to keep you accountable. 

As BIPOC individuals, we often let doubt or impostor syndrome hold us back. 

Thoughts like, “I’m just going to get overlooked again” or  “It feels like I’m competing against people with way more connections,” can be exhausting.

That’s why having someone to hold you accountable, like an unbiased, BIPOC professional career consultant, is crucial.

You’ve got what it takes.

Want to know more about how Soluna can help you?

You’ll get an interview prep sheet freebie to help you feel confident going into your next interview so that you can rock it!

Then, expect weekly emails from me giving you tips and tricks like what you read above!

It’s time to streamline your priorities and figure out the next steps — together.

You got this,

Alondra 🌙

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